A Hat In Time - Soundtrack For Mac

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Default Short DescriptionA Hat in Time is a cute-as-heck 3D platformer featuring a little girl who stitches hats for wicked powers! Freely explore giant worlds and recover Time Pieces to travel to new heights! The full soundtrack for A Hat in Time! About This Content The full soundtrack for A Hat in Time! Includes MP3 files, as well as being able to listen to the soundtrack in-game!

A Hat In Time Music

Journal Entries

Someone uploaded all of the Journal entries to PasteBin: https://pastebin.com/mNyPzbrMDoes anyone know the earliest chapter that the Diary is accessible from? VmKid (talk) 02:02, 15 October 2017 (EDT)

It's accessible once Subcon Forest is unlocked, but after Mafia Town act 4 you can play time pieces in whatever order you want, so the first four acts of Mafia Town are the only ones where diary entries are always inaccessible. --Aruki (talk) 18:58, 16 October 2017 (EDT)
It's actually only the first three. Hourglasses from time rifts don't change it, so if you go get the ice hat out of Dead Bird Studios then exit to the hub, you can get hourglasses from the two time rifts in Mafia Town and the one in the art room on the ship. --Keiya (talk) 09:55, 13 May 2019 (EDT)

Model renders

Is there a better way to take images of the models? Screenshots taken in the mod tools turn out quite bad. --989Nintendo898 and his Talk page 13:08, 19 October 2017 (EDT)

Unused Sounds

There's a fair bit of unused voice clips in the games files. The conductor has voice lines for back when the express train was called the science train and you had to get your bird passport from him instead of DJ Grooves. There's also some unused dialog in Subcon Forest. There's also a few unused songs like the Moon Jumper's theme as well as some unused music variations. Blazingflare (talk) 04:13, 24 October 2017 (EDT)

I also noticed more unused sounds and music, including about thirteen variations of the 'Stylish!' jingle from Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door. There are also placeholder lines for DJ Grooves, which sound like they might have been spoken by Cooking Cat's voice actor. Finally, there are lines spoken by the Mafia, which sound like they are from an unused mission where the player was supposed to deliver their neckties. Models and localization strings for these ties remain, as well. --Boctor (talk) 21:51, 16 November 2017 (EST)

Found some stuff

(EDIT: The race is apparently Act 5 and I just never unlocked it..)

I got some unused(?) text that I found while tinkering around with the .int files (my computer overheats from the cpu usage so I can't play). I got 20 Time Pieces already but I'm not sure about a lot of things.. (i will keep adding stuff if I find more)

First off, these lines are found in the Conductor's code:

[GearPieces]story_intro0 = Nice place you've got here, lass! Not bad, not bad at all.story_intro1 = You know, back in me old days, I used to go on adventures, just like yerself!story_intro2 = Wanna hear old stories from an old man? It won't give yer a reward or nuthin'.story_intro3 = What kinda story do yer wanna hear?story_intro4 = That'll be [cost] pons for a new story! What, you thought me wisdom was gonna be free? Hah!story_intro5 = Alright, pick a story!

story_Jungle01 = Me 'n the Owl Express were heading to new territory, in search of the next Gear Piece!story_Jungle02 = I ventured to the deepest parts of the macaroni jungle, when suddenly, I was met with tribesmen! Lots of them! I was surrounded, kid!story_Jungle03 = But wait.. they recognized me! They all bowed down in awe! They said I was the great bird of the west! They must've seen me movies or somethin'!story_Jungle04 = They brought me to their temple, and I saw the next Gear Piece in broad daylight. I knew I had to get me hands on it, but how?story_Jungle05 = As they led me to their worship chamber, my expectations got higher and higher, you know? I was awaiting seeing myself in golden statue form!story_Jungle06 = But lo and behold, you know what I saw, kiddo? A poster of [icon:djgrooves][name]DJ GROOVES[/name]! I was like, YER WHAT, PECK NECKS?!story_Jungle07 = And so I tore down the poster, stole their Gear Piece, 'n ran off! And that's how I got my 7th Gear Piece! Soon the Black Jewel Train will be mine!

At some point the Conductor was also meant to visit Hat Kid's ship and for some pons he would tell you stories about Gear Pieces. These sound an awful lot like Time Pieces, and I think they had the role of time pieces before they changed their plans. Or again, it's just the Conductor lying about stuff. Or a movie script.

Also side note, Chapter 2 is refereed to as Chapter 3 in the game. Chapter 3 is thus referred to as Chapter 2. Yes, Subcon Forest originally came before BOTB.

Another thing I found are two unused references to levels: beta_hero (don't exactly remember the name) and Blank_DayTime.

[TemplateMapMetadata.DisplayNames]AHIT_Template_Blank_DayTime = Blank Daytime(A noteworthy thing is that the two above lines are in a completely diffrent file - EditorMapTemplates.int)

I don't know a lot of things, so i'm not sure if those are used or not:

HolidayHatName = Holiday HatHolidayHatDesc0 = A seasoned touch!

DinoHatName = Textile T-RexDinoHatDesc0 = Hear me roar! Rawwwwwr!

HeadbandName = Lady BandHeadbandDesc0 = Float like a ladybug, sting like a ladybug. Peace out!

CatBeanieName = 1-Hit HeroCatBeanieDesc0 = You die in one hit. Only for the brave!

FuzzyHornHatName = Sleepy SheepFuzzyHornHatDesc0 = Makes you feel like a lazy sheep, sitting in the sun, having a nap.

RaccoonHatName = Snoozy RaccoonRaccoonHatDesc0 = Sleeping on top of your head, what kind of monster would wake him up?

ThorHatName = Inventor's CapThorHatDesc0 = Grants a spin attack while airborne!

And finally, the icing on the cake:

KidHatBoyName = Kid's HatKidHatBoyDesc0 = His pride and joy.

Yes, at some point you could pick if you were a boy or a girl. Or maybe earlier the kid was a boy. Or they were undecided.

Now badges (again, not sure if used or not) (if i'm not sure, i will mark with a *):

First off, text about Badge Points:

BadgeCollect3 = You've got enough Badge Points to activate it!BadgeCollect4 = You already have this badge, but you get +1 Badge Points anyway!BadgePart = Part

Most likely badges were like yarn at some point. This was scrapped for the Badge Dealer.

DamageToEnergyName = Teen Angst BadgeDamageToEnergyFun0 = An angry little girl never runs out of energy!DamageToEnergyTech0 = Gain energy when attacking enemies!

TeleportName = Snatcher's Realm Badge*TeleportDescFun0 = Undo your mistakes!TeleportDescTech0 = Press [button:badge] to undo a jump!

MoreEnergyFromOrbsName = Explorer's Badge*MoreEnergyFromOrbsFun0 = Can't wait to go on adventures!MoreEnergyFromOrbsTech0 = Gain 4x more energy from orbs!

RocketJumpName = Rocket Jump Badge*RocketJumpFun0 = Fly to the skies!RocketJumpTech0 = Hold [button:jump] after a double jump to get shot upward!

MoreHealthName = More Health BadgeMoreHealthFun0 = Take more punches!MoreHealthTech0 = Provides an additional heart slot!

MuddyName = Bucket of Mud BadgeMuddyDescFun0 = The badge comes with a free bucket of mud! Yay?MuddyDescTech0 = Press [button:badge] to become muddy!

LungeAttackBadgeName = Lunge Attack BadgeLungeAttackBadgeDesc0 = Lunge Attack Badge

Next up, with the same tagging mechanism: Items!

MafiaTieName = Mafia Tie*MafiaTieDesc0 = It's all sweaty and gross! Ew!MafiaTieGoldName = Golden Mafia Tie*MafiaTieGoldDesc0 = What?! This thing must be really heavy to wear. And expensive!

LevelTabletName = Ancient Tablet*LevelTabletDesc0 = It seems to spell out something.. but it requires more pieces!LevelTabletDesc1 = It does look really rare, though. Better keep an eye out for more of those balloons!

TimePieceName = Time PieceTimePieceDesc0 = I want this. A lot.

On the end of the collectibles.int file there is this:

[ItemQuality]SupporterPrefix = SupporterGoldPrefix = GoldCompletionistPrefix = Completionist

Is that used?

Plural1 = An

TwoItemsAnd = and

I'm unsure about this double item collection one too.

[Objects]InterpTrackExpression='Expression Track'ParticleModuleColorOverTime = 'Color Over Time'SoundNodeMixVariants='Mix Variants'

What's this stuff for?

Now: unused data for Mafia Town:

Population_MafiaTown_Less = Population: Less than before since I made them go boom

There was a 'Blowing Up Mafia Town' stage most likely.. what?

Mission_Race = Mission: Win legitima- pfffft hahaha

Here we have a 'Race with the Mafia/Mustache Girl' stage leftover. The interpunction is broken.

Sweating_Nope = Perspiration: No chance

And probably the early version of 'Perspiration: Hopefully not'.

[placeholder]BetaHatSwapNotice0 = Press [button:badgeswitch] to swap your [icon:hat]![br]Press [button:badge] to use your Hat's ability.

I think that's used, but it's curiously listed as a beta placeholder.

I'm not sure if this one is used too:

[spaceship]visit0 = Why, hello fellow space travelling child. I am also a space travelling child. I do much space travel.visit1 = From one space travelling child to another, we can share details, yes? What's the secret of the [icon:timepiece][timepiece]Time Pieces[/timepiece]?visit2 = Why, yes, of course! And as a fellow space travelling child, I of course know what that means and entails.visit3 = As a token of appreciation, please take this item, which is surely of value for us space travelling children.visit4 = I must be off. Us space travelling children are always on the run. It was nice meeting a fellow space travelling child.Idle_mafiaboss0 = As a fellow space travelling child, I do not understand how a man in jar can live without organs and body parts.Idle_mafiaboss1 = It perplexes and confuses me, but I am enticed to figure out the answer. Such is the life of a space travelling child, such as myself.Idle_vault0 = Hello, fellow space travelling child. As a space travelling child myself, I am clumsy and forgetful. I seem to have forgotten the combination to this giant vault of ours.Idle_vault1 = I know, it is very clumsy of me. Can you remind me of the combination? No?

Next up, there is an empty file called dev_commentary.int.

And now, from out ongoing series: The Hat Boy - we present: unused DJ Grooves line!

passport13b = We've gotta fix this ugly mugshot up with some old-fashioned photo doctoring! Here, take these markers and turn yourself into the most stylish, fashionable young boy!

And back to being unsure:

afraid_cherry0 = [scream][shake]GAHH!! W-who are you?[/shake][/scream]afraid_cherry1 = Oh, just some kid? Phew. For a minute I was worried you were that shadow guy.afraid_cherry2 = He's kinda rude. I wouldn't associate with that guy. He messes with us, like [hint]using the cherries to make us explode[/hint].

And now, ALL lines from the hatkid.int file (not sure which ones are used and which ones are not):

[bookstore]exit0 = Thank you!

[chapter1]freed_civ0 = You're free!freed_civ1 = All clear!freed_civ2 = Suckers!decline_offer0 = You suck!decline_offer1 = Bah!decline_offer2 = Nu-uh!hi_five0 = Yeah!!

Now we are going for a trip into Mafia Town (i do not know all dialogue, so i don't post some stuff):

A Hat In Time - Soundtrack For Mac

clock0 = Mafia take clock tower from distant island.// Below needs voice actingclock1 = But Mafia not actually care about time, so tower is useless!

[bazaar]balloon_intro0 = This shop? Not open.balloon_intro1 = Shop only purchase rare ancient items, and no one seen rare items in years.balloon_intro2 = Ancient riddle says: 'When balloons invented, look out for [clue]balloon in sky[/clue].'balloon_intro3 = But riddle too complicated for Mafia to understand.balloon_intro4 = If little child with hat see ancient balloon? Come here.

balloon_gotone0 = Wait, child has tablet? No way!balloon_gotone1 = It is said in ancient history: [clue]six tablets[/clue] needed for ancient magic.balloon_gotone2 = Child come back when child have six, and Mafia combine tablets for child.

[chapter1act4]intro0 = Weren't us, bub. We ain't done nothin'.intro1 = All we did was dump stuff into the water, boss orders. Said it cooled down the mountain.intro2 = But now that we aren't allowed in there no mo', we can't dump our stuff.beach1 = I tell you what, it's kinda nice here with the heat.beach2 = It's too bad about the beach being covered in boiling lava, though..sign0 = Now that we no longer work for boss, we got new job now.sign1 = We weather forecast. Today's weather: bad. Too warm. End of world? More at 11.sign2 = People want news in one word. People no time for small talk.sign3 = My bro running faulty business, he use two words. Too much.kickbad0 = Kicking us outta business was a bad move, child. This town needs a bully or everyone is too nice!kickbad1 = Ya know what a nice town wouldda be? Boring. No spice in the pasta.magic0 = This only water in town, and my magic illusion make it untouchable! What have I done!magic2 = Who knew that my weakness would be my own abilities!magic1 = [scream]NOOOOoooooo..[/scream]chef0 = Volcano lava good source for cooking!(note: act 4 in the final is 'Down with the Mafia!')

vista0 = So picturesque! You can't quite decide what videogame it looks like, though.

Remember the unused old man? The file for the bizzare Mafia in the connected mission is still called oldman.int!Speaking of changed names, the Express Owls are still Science Owls.And bizzarely, the intro for 'Heating up Mafia Town' is called thor.int.


Derp0 = This is how you look![br]You're an idiot!Derp1 = And you smell!

This does not seem to be used (i think..)

[sneakyhiddenstuff]book0 = It's a large heavy book, titled 'Proof of Ethical Consumption Under Capitalism'.book1 = The pages are all blank.

Where is this used?

[Decorations]DecorationPerfect = Combining the [decorations] made a [dreamworld] appear in [name][chaptername][/name]! Check the chapter's telescope to see where it's hiding!

Relics may have been called decorations and may have unlocked Time Rifts earlier on.

(question: is the stuff in train_operator.int used?)

And now, the entire lost script in sunburnt.int:

[Common]TellFriends = Tell your friends!

[Village.WaterFlaskShop]Intro0 = Excellent timing, Torrin! I just finished slapping together that free water bottle you wanted for your dog and-Intro1 = OH! A Tourist! Uh, did I say free? Ha ha, no! That's an old Sunburnt word meaning.. uh.. not free.. Yeah.Intro2 = But for you, little lady, I would be happy to sell you this authentic, premium quality, handmade water bottle for the low, low price of 20 Orbs.Intro2b = But for you, little child, I would be happy to sell you this authentic, premium quality, handmade water bottle for the low, low price of 20 Orbs.Intro3 = You won't find a water bottle for this price in any of our other premium resorts! Buy now!

Revisit0 = Changed your mind, eh? Couldn't find a water bottle anywhere else, huh? Just enjoy my charming company, right?Revisit1 = So what do you say?

Purchase_Decline0 = Well, I hope you change your mind soon! Tell your friends!

Purchase_Accepted0 = Excellent choice, young tourist! I hope it serves you well amongst our beautiful sand dunes! Be sure to refill your bottle at any of our conveniently located water sources.Purchase_Accepted1 = And as us Sunburnt say: Tell your friends!

NoSell0 = Look, kiddo, I know my water bottles are a work of fine art, but art takes time! Plus, you don't want to be rude and deny someone else the privilege of buying their own, right? You're not a bad person, right?

[Village.ImportantNPCs]quickintro0 = Typical tourist. Just running out into the desert like you own the place. quickintro1 = Nothing against you personally, but all of our other guests just wander into the desert and we never see them, or their money, ever again.quickintro2 = Because of them we had to set up this red ring around the resort so that you tourists know where danger starts.quickintro3 = You'll need a [hint]water bottle[/hint] to even stand a chance past the ring. I think Sweltzo in town might have one of his free ones left.quickintro4 = See ya later, and as the old Sunburnt saying goes: Tell your friends!

quickintro_re0 = Hey, tiny tourist! You got yourself a [hint]water bottle[/hint] yet? It may be the smartest decision you ever make out here in the desert.

binocular0 = Oh wow! Beautiful! Amazing! This sure is a beautiful vacation get-away I would tell my friends about!binocular1 = Oh! I didn't see you there. I was just admiring the view of our beautiful desert and our other fantastic resort destinations.binocular2 = How about you give it a look? If you see a resort that you like, we can [hint]turn on their beacon to help you navigate[/hint] your way over there.binocular3 = Have fun and tell your friends!

binocular_re0 = Have you given our [hint]beacon navigation system[/hint] a try yet? It's really quite helpful! It works at any of our conveniently located [hint]binocular stations[/hint]!

[Village.RegularNPCs]vacation_destination = Can you believe that this bustling vacation destination used to be just a chain of poor desert villages?! Yep, totally not that anymore!visit_resorts = If you think this resort is nice you should see the other ones! They are just as amazing! Just remember to [hint]pack some water[/hint]!tourism = We learned some time ago that tourism is a good way to bring in some cash flow. So far it's been slow but business is looking up!

skeptism0 = Don't tell anyone, but I think this huge push to improve tourism is stupid. It's not working! You're the first tourist we've seen in ages, and we've already sunk what little money we had into all of this!skeptism1 = I don't see it ending anytime soon, though, so.. tell your friends.. please!

water0 = Our water has been voted 'the least dirty water in the desert'! What an honor!water1 = Be sure to [hint]fill up your water bottle[/hint] for a refreshing pick-me-up out there in the sands!

beacon0 = Whenever I'm out for a stroll among the sand dunes, I can always count on those handy red beacons to keep me going in the right direction.beacon1 = Be sure to give it a try next time you come across one of our convenient [hint]binocular stations[/hint].

livehere0 = The glamor! The tranquility! The sun! I wish I could just live here!livehere1 = Well, I DO live here, but I bet you're wishing the same thing!

waterbottles0 = Sweltzo's [hint]water bottles[/hint] are genuinely handcrafted using age-old Sunburnt techniques.waterbottles1 = That doesn't mean they're any good. It just means they're made the same way they were made before modern tools were invented.

deadtourists0 = We've lost a lot of innocent tourists over the years.. they wandered into the desert and were never seen again..deadtourists1 = If only they had water.. they might have made it..deadtourists2 = Anyway, tell your friends!

safetyring = The resort's patented [hint]Red Safety Ring[/hint] technology makes sure that our distinguished guests know where safe resort property ends and the harsh wilderness of the desert wastes begin!

dressed0 = Hmm. You're not quite dressed for this kind of heat. Why don't you take a tip out of the Sunburnt guide to fashion and get yourself a nice hood?dressed1 = Oh, you prefer the hat, huh? That's fine, I guess. I don't judge.

A Hat In Time - Soundtrack For Macbeth

cheapploy = Welcome to our 5-star vacation destination! It's totally not a cheap ploy to bring in tourists and get money out of them! No ma'am!

notamused0 = Huh? What? Oh yeah. Enjoy the facilities, and blah blah blah..notamused1 = No one ever believes that corny sales pitch anyway, so I doubt some little kid has enough money to make any difference.notamused2 = Tell your friends.. for all I care.

binoculars_sand0 = Wow! With those binoculars you can see A LOT of sand!binoculars_sand1 = Look at all that sand! That is a whole bunch of sand! More sand than you could ever want!binoculars_sand_re0 = I still can't get over all this sand!binoculars_sand_re1 = And with those handy binoculars I can almost count the grains! HOW FUN!

tan0 = Being up here is the best way to get a tan.tan1 = What? My hood? What are you talking about? This is how Sunburnt tan. What other way is there?tan_re0 = Tanning fully clothed is the only way to tan! Try it sometime!

nostock0 = Hello, eager buyer! Looking to spend some of that precious cash today?nostock1 = Unfortunately, I have no stock because I.. uh.. sold out. Yeah. Totally not because I couldn't afford anything to fill my shelves with.nostock_re0 = I am still just as sold out of everything as the last time you asked, but thanks for checking up.

powerfulitem0 = Hello, valued customer! Would you like an incredibly powerful item to aid you in your trials ahead?powerfulitem1 = Well, too bad! I don't have any stock! Isn't that a bummer? HA HA!powerfulitem_re0 = Would you like a crazy powerful item to.. aid your.. ah, forget it! The joke isn't as funny the second time. I still got nothing in stock, kiddo.

rentcounter0 = Oh, me? I don't have a shop. I've never had one. I just rent this counter to look cool.rentcounter1 = Is it working?rentcounter_re0 = Do I look cool yet? I spent all my money on this empty shop and no one has even shot me a thumbs up yet.

fountain0 = You see this fountain? Yeah. We got water here. Pretty great right?fountain1 = But that's just the kind of place we run here. Only the best for guests like you! Be sure to fill up your water bottle before running out into the desert!fountain_re0 = The water's not even poisonous! Aren't we just the most hospitable resort you've ever been to?

waterdrink0 = Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink!waterdrink1 = Well, actually, it's kind of the opposite of that. Water is almost nowhere, but all of it is drinkable! I was just trying to sound all smart-like.waterdrink2 = Fill up your bottle whenever you want! AND IT'S FREE! WOW!waterdrink_re0 = You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!waterdrink_re1 = Well, actually, I doubt a horse would turn down a drink out here.. I also have never actually seen a horse.. I'm not good at metaphors..

[Events]thief0 = Ouch! Thief!thief1 = Hey![br]That's my money!thief2 = Ow![br]Come back here!

I also seem to have Hat Kid's spaceship theme in MP3 form in the HatinTime folder.

Snatcher Kid

The Modding Support update seems to have removed Snatcher Kid from Vanessa's Manor all together. What should be done with the information that's currently on the page? Clone5184 (talk) 00:58, 24 March 2018 (EDT)

Seal the deal

Should we look in the DLC for new unused things

Cut content text files

Hello, I'm sorry if I'm doing anything wrong, I'm new and not used to this kind of thing. I thought it was interesting to note here that it seems like the September 29th update (re?)added a bunch of text localization files that seem to be related to things such as the Sand n' Sails level that was cut, among other things.

All these files can be found in HatinTimeHatinTimeGameLocalizationINT.

sandislands.int has a bunch of landmark names. I don't know much about the cut level, but I know there's something like villages in it.. It was also replaced by Alpine Skyline, which does indeed have 'Lava Cake', which maybe was based off this supposed 'warm wedding cake'.

checklist.int, I'm not sure if it is actually unused content, as it's been a long while since I played AHIT and I haven't 100%'d the DLC content (and probably won't as I'm not interested). Though it mentions the same 'mafia ties' from the unused mafia dialogue. I don't know about the restaurant (misspelled as 'resturant' in the file)

In the sequences folder, there is new_ability.int, which mentions the hookshot as a upgrade (not yet an equip button), as well as the cut pogo upgrade.

sequences/sunburnt.int was already pasted in its entirety in this talk page and it's a very huge file with what looks like the dialogue of the cut level (including what is probably text from the 'sandworm' character). I'm not sure if this file was removed at some point and re-added now? I don't know if it's new or not (but it's still not on the main article, so it's worth noting). Same goes for sequences/debug.int, which is already in the article and has not changed.

mustachegirl.int, also in the sequences folder. Again I'm not sure if this is unused.

Other files seem to concern the 'murder' mission from the birbs level. I don't know at all if this is used, it may be from an earlier version of this act.


sequences/murder_narrator.int. Clues to the murder? Interrogation? I don't remember that being a thing. Or is it? My memory sucks when it comes to these things.

And that's it. I could have added these straight to the article, but I thought it might be better to discuss it here and see if someone more experienced knows if this is actually cut content or news, as I'm not exactly sure how much of this is unused, and if it's actually worthy of being in the article. Once again I apologize if I did something I shouldn't. StargazerG (talk) 04:29, 30 September 2018 (EDT)

Woah, it seems like the murder mystery episode had a removed L.A. Noire Homage. I gotta say I'm a little dissappointed. I decided to dig in some more:
sequences/thor.int has this:
Now, I'm fairly this is just the final dialogue from the scientist mafia at the start of the lava mafia town mission, but the filename indicates that it was originally slightly different text from Thor, the removed character.
I have no idea what this could be. The text names indicate it was meant for a reveal, but it's the conclusion of the mission, where the player points out who did the murder. Based on the interrogation text and clues texts above, it seems like the mission originally was more detective work and less about exploration.
There's also a file called dev_commentary.int, but it's empty.
sequences/telephone_tipper.int is the file for the telephone dialogue in the murder mystery episode, but it has this line which I think is unused:
Seems to indicate that the murder was staged by DJ Grooves as an act of sabotage.
Also, mustachegirl.int is entirely used. It's the final dialogue from mafia town ch 1, the plan sequence from the spaceship and also the sequences leading up to the final boss. The rest of the files seem to be used.
--989Nintendo898 and his Talk page 05:14, 30 September 2018 (EDT)

Just as a little update, these unused files seem to have been removed in the October 18th update. There were more files that were removed, and may also be indicative of unused content:





The mustachegirl.int I talked about was also removed. I realize now that I made a mistake in my first message; this file was not in the 'sequences' folder, but in the 'enemies' folder. Even worse, there is another file also called mustachegirl.int in the sequences folder, which probably is the one that's still used. I believe 989Nintendo898 was talking about this one.

Among the remaining files, there are some interesting ones from the DLC. One is called were_test.int, which I can't really figure out what is supposed to mean.

This looks just like some of the dialogue in the arctic cruise's first act, and it is, however slightly different. The 'real' dialogues are in another file called internal_ship.int which contains all dialogue in the ship that is not tied to any character. What is particularly interesting here is smash3 and smash4, which are not present in internal_ship.int at all (neither is speaker0). I don't remember seeing anyone panicked while sweeping for glass shards (I wonder to whom this 'they' refers to). I thought maybe it was a death wish adding something new, but it would still be weird that for a single death wish the dialogue would be in a separate file. I don't think there's any other death wish like that. I don't know. Looking at the files, it doesn't even look like there is a death wish with this mission, though.

A Hat In Time Soundtrack

For reference, this is what these same strings look like in internal_ship.int, which I'm fairly sure are the ones used in the game:

This is not the only file that has duplicate (and somewhat different) text. ship_docks.int is a huge file with pretty much all the dialogue from every character in the ship together. The dialogues from each character in the ship that are actually used in the game (or so I think; sorry about my lack of certainty throughout this entire text, I'm just always terribly afraid of being wrong) are also in separate files for each character (for example: the captain's lines are in captain_ship.int, the seals' are in seals_ship.int, the crows' are in crows_ship.int, so on). This is a pretty big file with over 200 lines and since it's ordered differently than each character's file, it takes some effort to compare which ones changed and which ones didn't. (Doesn't make much of a difference, but there's also a lot of lines that are not in this file, but are in each character's files; presumably lines that were added later) This is quite a lot of text already, and most of the changes are really small, but if anyone is actually interested in seeing a comparison of (probably) all strings in ship_docks.int with the finished character dialogue files and what changed, I used a script to compare and the results are here in Pastebin. It's not the most beautifully formatted thing in the world, but I think it's at least legible. Also, in case someone wonders, there are not any lines that were entirely removed from ship_docks without being replaced.

That's it for now. StargazerG (talk) 06:08, 19 October 2018 (EDT)


This game has tons of really interesting prerelease information. We should make a page to document it.

There used to be development videos on Jonas Kærlev's YouTube channel (March 2013, unfortunately none of the videos seem to work) but they seem to have been either privated or deleted entirely. Their Twitter account dates back to 2010 but gets 'archived' every now and then. However, I was able to find something worth mentioning by running their old website through the Wayback Machine. (Link) Before September-October 2012, Hat Kid was actually male. Despite this, her model wasn't changed to its final version until October-November 2012. It also seems to imply that Hat Kid's umbrella has some powers beyond acting as a weapon, particularly time travel. It mentions that the umbrella can identify enemies and that the Hookshot can be used to 'toss enemies around.' Most interesting of all is the 'time branching' mechanic, which would allow Hat Kid to rewind time, creating 'multiple alternative storyline routes', 'like a tree with branches.' The game was originally scheduled for a January 2013 release. Should we make a page for this? It's some pretty interesting stuff. Hat Kid's gender change --Xanadu (talk) 09:32, 31 August 2019 (EDT)
One more development image, a promo image used in 2013. It wasn't changed until 2017, despite the game having had its final logo since 2014 at the latest. You can see Hat Kid and Moustache Kid already have their final models, and Mafia Town doesn't look too different either. --Xanadu (talk) 10:04, 31 August 2019 (EDT)
Sorry if this is too spammy, but more stuff keeps coming up. A reupload of some Subcon Forest footage from 2013 and an interview with Jonas Kærlev regarding the game's development. That should be everything. This certainly seems a bit more page-worthy now. --Xanadu (talk) 10:37, 31 August 2019 (EDT)
Hat Kid and the game's logo, circa September-October 2012.

HatAdult and a few other things

I have No clue where to put it or use images, so might as well put it here.

With the new modding tool, you can find about 15 files relating to HatAdult, there was an entire unused storyline based around this because of many things in the files. There's also a bunch of other leftovers.. Left over. IDK where to put it and stuff, so.. AidenTheHatMiner (talk) 05:21 PM, 3 July 2019 (EDT)

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A Hat in Time

Developer: Gears for Breakfast
Publisher: Gears for Breakfast
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X
Released internationally: October 5, 2017

This game has unused animations.
This game has unused areas.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused models.
This game has unused cinematics.
This game has unused music.
This game has unused text.

This game has a prototype article

The story of a kid and A Hat in Time, on a quest to get back home in time for dinner and cookies.

To do:
Lots of meshes/textures/materials/etc. within the content packages of the game's editor.
A couple of Matinees/Cinematics within some of the games cooked maps.
Some HUD Elements have some functionality that isn't used.
  • 5Unused Music
  • 6Unused Text
  • 7Unused Graphics


Unused Animations
Darling, you moved! The picture is ruined! How could you?!
Unused Models
Buckle up, because this game has a bunch of these!

Unused Cutscene

An unused cutscene that would fit well as a post-credits cutscene. This area is part of the same map that contains Hat Kid's sleeping 'The End' scene, after the credits. Changing the in-game lighting reveals that there is a rogue coat rack hiding just outside of the scene. The room design shows that this scene takes place within Mafia Town.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unseen Area

Hidden away in the credits sequence away from the player's view is a tent with a blackboard inside like those seen in the Alpha and Beta builds of the game, it features the thank you from Mario at the end of Super Mario 64 and a few words of encouragement from W.T.N, that being William T. Nicholls, the Gears For Breakfast's art director and level designer.

Unused Cinematics

Unused cinematics from the Alpha trailer remain in the game. Within Mafia Town, there are four unused cinematics called cine1, cine2, cine3 and cine4. To see them, open the developer console and enter enablecheats. Then write ce , and the cinematic will play.

In Mafia Town HQ has two strange unused cinematics called Bird and rs. The cinematic named Bird transforms you into a rat. You can move and hit Hat Kid only if you are close to her. The other cinematic is in the kitchen. When it's played, the music stops and the camera zooms onto a mafia cook working on some food. The cinematic's description calls it 'Rhythm Segment'. It might have been an introductory cutscene to a rhythm-based minigame of some sort.

Unused Music

Beta File Select

A leftover from the Beta build of the game. It played on the title screen and file select screen.

Guard Caught Jingle

A variation of the jingle that plays upon selecting who the murderer is in the act 'Murder on the Owl Express'. Judging by the filename, it would have played upon being caught in the stealth segment.

Hub World Secret Pillow Hideout Variation Intro

A variation of the tune that plays every time you enter Hat Kid's Spaceship. As there's never an instance where the intro plays from within the pillow fort, this variation is unused.

Sand 'n Sails Level Intro

The level introduction theme that would have played while starting the cut chapter 'Sand 'n Sails'.

Unused Text


An unused script about ties from the beta of the game.


A script for the unused cafe scene in the section above.


A Hat In Time Download

Standard Mafia dialogue.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Diary Entries

Hat Kid's diary can be found in her bedroom by using the Ice Hat on the pile of pillows. Since both the Ice Hat and the first few Time Pieces are required to access this area, these diary entries are rendered inaccessible:

An entry for the prologue and Chapter 1, Act 1.

An entry for Chapter 1, Act 2.

An entry for Chapter 1, Act 3. Note that the words 'Time Piece' are rendered with an icon and colorization.

A Hat In Time - Soundtrack For Mac

Is that used?

Plural1 = An

TwoItemsAnd = and

I'm unsure about this double item collection one too.

[Objects]InterpTrackExpression='Expression Track'ParticleModuleColorOverTime = 'Color Over Time'SoundNodeMixVariants='Mix Variants'

What's this stuff for?

Now: unused data for Mafia Town:

Population_MafiaTown_Less = Population: Less than before since I made them go boom

There was a 'Blowing Up Mafia Town' stage most likely.. what?

Mission_Race = Mission: Win legitima- pfffft hahaha

Here we have a 'Race with the Mafia/Mustache Girl' stage leftover. The interpunction is broken.

Sweating_Nope = Perspiration: No chance

And probably the early version of 'Perspiration: Hopefully not'.

[placeholder]BetaHatSwapNotice0 = Press [button:badgeswitch] to swap your [icon:hat]![br]Press [button:badge] to use your Hat's ability.

I think that's used, but it's curiously listed as a beta placeholder.

I'm not sure if this one is used too:

[spaceship]visit0 = Why, hello fellow space travelling child. I am also a space travelling child. I do much space travel.visit1 = From one space travelling child to another, we can share details, yes? What's the secret of the [icon:timepiece][timepiece]Time Pieces[/timepiece]?visit2 = Why, yes, of course! And as a fellow space travelling child, I of course know what that means and entails.visit3 = As a token of appreciation, please take this item, which is surely of value for us space travelling children.visit4 = I must be off. Us space travelling children are always on the run. It was nice meeting a fellow space travelling child.Idle_mafiaboss0 = As a fellow space travelling child, I do not understand how a man in jar can live without organs and body parts.Idle_mafiaboss1 = It perplexes and confuses me, but I am enticed to figure out the answer. Such is the life of a space travelling child, such as myself.Idle_vault0 = Hello, fellow space travelling child. As a space travelling child myself, I am clumsy and forgetful. I seem to have forgotten the combination to this giant vault of ours.Idle_vault1 = I know, it is very clumsy of me. Can you remind me of the combination? No?

Next up, there is an empty file called dev_commentary.int.

And now, from out ongoing series: The Hat Boy - we present: unused DJ Grooves line!

passport13b = We've gotta fix this ugly mugshot up with some old-fashioned photo doctoring! Here, take these markers and turn yourself into the most stylish, fashionable young boy!

And back to being unsure:

afraid_cherry0 = [scream][shake]GAHH!! W-who are you?[/shake][/scream]afraid_cherry1 = Oh, just some kid? Phew. For a minute I was worried you were that shadow guy.afraid_cherry2 = He's kinda rude. I wouldn't associate with that guy. He messes with us, like [hint]using the cherries to make us explode[/hint].

And now, ALL lines from the hatkid.int file (not sure which ones are used and which ones are not):

[bookstore]exit0 = Thank you!

[chapter1]freed_civ0 = You're free!freed_civ1 = All clear!freed_civ2 = Suckers!decline_offer0 = You suck!decline_offer1 = Bah!decline_offer2 = Nu-uh!hi_five0 = Yeah!!

Now we are going for a trip into Mafia Town (i do not know all dialogue, so i don't post some stuff):

clock0 = Mafia take clock tower from distant island.// Below needs voice actingclock1 = But Mafia not actually care about time, so tower is useless!

[bazaar]balloon_intro0 = This shop? Not open.balloon_intro1 = Shop only purchase rare ancient items, and no one seen rare items in years.balloon_intro2 = Ancient riddle says: 'When balloons invented, look out for [clue]balloon in sky[/clue].'balloon_intro3 = But riddle too complicated for Mafia to understand.balloon_intro4 = If little child with hat see ancient balloon? Come here.

balloon_gotone0 = Wait, child has tablet? No way!balloon_gotone1 = It is said in ancient history: [clue]six tablets[/clue] needed for ancient magic.balloon_gotone2 = Child come back when child have six, and Mafia combine tablets for child.

[chapter1act4]intro0 = Weren't us, bub. We ain't done nothin'.intro1 = All we did was dump stuff into the water, boss orders. Said it cooled down the mountain.intro2 = But now that we aren't allowed in there no mo', we can't dump our stuff.beach1 = I tell you what, it's kinda nice here with the heat.beach2 = It's too bad about the beach being covered in boiling lava, though..sign0 = Now that we no longer work for boss, we got new job now.sign1 = We weather forecast. Today's weather: bad. Too warm. End of world? More at 11.sign2 = People want news in one word. People no time for small talk.sign3 = My bro running faulty business, he use two words. Too much.kickbad0 = Kicking us outta business was a bad move, child. This town needs a bully or everyone is too nice!kickbad1 = Ya know what a nice town wouldda be? Boring. No spice in the pasta.magic0 = This only water in town, and my magic illusion make it untouchable! What have I done!magic2 = Who knew that my weakness would be my own abilities!magic1 = [scream]NOOOOoooooo..[/scream]chef0 = Volcano lava good source for cooking!(note: act 4 in the final is 'Down with the Mafia!')

vista0 = So picturesque! You can't quite decide what videogame it looks like, though.

Remember the unused old man? The file for the bizzare Mafia in the connected mission is still called oldman.int!Speaking of changed names, the Express Owls are still Science Owls.And bizzarely, the intro for 'Heating up Mafia Town' is called thor.int.

Derp0 = This is how you look![br]You're an idiot!Derp1 = And you smell!

This does not seem to be used (i think..)

[sneakyhiddenstuff]book0 = It's a large heavy book, titled 'Proof of Ethical Consumption Under Capitalism'.book1 = The pages are all blank.

Where is this used?

[Decorations]DecorationPerfect = Combining the [decorations] made a [dreamworld] appear in [name][chaptername][/name]! Check the chapter's telescope to see where it's hiding!

Relics may have been called decorations and may have unlocked Time Rifts earlier on.

(question: is the stuff in train_operator.int used?)

And now, the entire lost script in sunburnt.int:

[Common]TellFriends = Tell your friends!

[Village.WaterFlaskShop]Intro0 = Excellent timing, Torrin! I just finished slapping together that free water bottle you wanted for your dog and-Intro1 = OH! A Tourist! Uh, did I say free? Ha ha, no! That's an old Sunburnt word meaning.. uh.. not free.. Yeah.Intro2 = But for you, little lady, I would be happy to sell you this authentic, premium quality, handmade water bottle for the low, low price of 20 Orbs.Intro2b = But for you, little child, I would be happy to sell you this authentic, premium quality, handmade water bottle for the low, low price of 20 Orbs.Intro3 = You won't find a water bottle for this price in any of our other premium resorts! Buy now!

Revisit0 = Changed your mind, eh? Couldn't find a water bottle anywhere else, huh? Just enjoy my charming company, right?Revisit1 = So what do you say?

Purchase_Decline0 = Well, I hope you change your mind soon! Tell your friends!

Purchase_Accepted0 = Excellent choice, young tourist! I hope it serves you well amongst our beautiful sand dunes! Be sure to refill your bottle at any of our conveniently located water sources.Purchase_Accepted1 = And as us Sunburnt say: Tell your friends!

NoSell0 = Look, kiddo, I know my water bottles are a work of fine art, but art takes time! Plus, you don't want to be rude and deny someone else the privilege of buying their own, right? You're not a bad person, right?

[Village.ImportantNPCs]quickintro0 = Typical tourist. Just running out into the desert like you own the place. quickintro1 = Nothing against you personally, but all of our other guests just wander into the desert and we never see them, or their money, ever again.quickintro2 = Because of them we had to set up this red ring around the resort so that you tourists know where danger starts.quickintro3 = You'll need a [hint]water bottle[/hint] to even stand a chance past the ring. I think Sweltzo in town might have one of his free ones left.quickintro4 = See ya later, and as the old Sunburnt saying goes: Tell your friends!

quickintro_re0 = Hey, tiny tourist! You got yourself a [hint]water bottle[/hint] yet? It may be the smartest decision you ever make out here in the desert.

binocular0 = Oh wow! Beautiful! Amazing! This sure is a beautiful vacation get-away I would tell my friends about!binocular1 = Oh! I didn't see you there. I was just admiring the view of our beautiful desert and our other fantastic resort destinations.binocular2 = How about you give it a look? If you see a resort that you like, we can [hint]turn on their beacon to help you navigate[/hint] your way over there.binocular3 = Have fun and tell your friends!

binocular_re0 = Have you given our [hint]beacon navigation system[/hint] a try yet? It's really quite helpful! It works at any of our conveniently located [hint]binocular stations[/hint]!

[Village.RegularNPCs]vacation_destination = Can you believe that this bustling vacation destination used to be just a chain of poor desert villages?! Yep, totally not that anymore!visit_resorts = If you think this resort is nice you should see the other ones! They are just as amazing! Just remember to [hint]pack some water[/hint]!tourism = We learned some time ago that tourism is a good way to bring in some cash flow. So far it's been slow but business is looking up!

skeptism0 = Don't tell anyone, but I think this huge push to improve tourism is stupid. It's not working! You're the first tourist we've seen in ages, and we've already sunk what little money we had into all of this!skeptism1 = I don't see it ending anytime soon, though, so.. tell your friends.. please!

water0 = Our water has been voted 'the least dirty water in the desert'! What an honor!water1 = Be sure to [hint]fill up your water bottle[/hint] for a refreshing pick-me-up out there in the sands!

beacon0 = Whenever I'm out for a stroll among the sand dunes, I can always count on those handy red beacons to keep me going in the right direction.beacon1 = Be sure to give it a try next time you come across one of our convenient [hint]binocular stations[/hint].

livehere0 = The glamor! The tranquility! The sun! I wish I could just live here!livehere1 = Well, I DO live here, but I bet you're wishing the same thing!

waterbottles0 = Sweltzo's [hint]water bottles[/hint] are genuinely handcrafted using age-old Sunburnt techniques.waterbottles1 = That doesn't mean they're any good. It just means they're made the same way they were made before modern tools were invented.

deadtourists0 = We've lost a lot of innocent tourists over the years.. they wandered into the desert and were never seen again..deadtourists1 = If only they had water.. they might have made it..deadtourists2 = Anyway, tell your friends!

safetyring = The resort's patented [hint]Red Safety Ring[/hint] technology makes sure that our distinguished guests know where safe resort property ends and the harsh wilderness of the desert wastes begin!

dressed0 = Hmm. You're not quite dressed for this kind of heat. Why don't you take a tip out of the Sunburnt guide to fashion and get yourself a nice hood?dressed1 = Oh, you prefer the hat, huh? That's fine, I guess. I don't judge.

A Hat In Time - Soundtrack For Macbeth

cheapploy = Welcome to our 5-star vacation destination! It's totally not a cheap ploy to bring in tourists and get money out of them! No ma'am!

notamused0 = Huh? What? Oh yeah. Enjoy the facilities, and blah blah blah..notamused1 = No one ever believes that corny sales pitch anyway, so I doubt some little kid has enough money to make any difference.notamused2 = Tell your friends.. for all I care.

binoculars_sand0 = Wow! With those binoculars you can see A LOT of sand!binoculars_sand1 = Look at all that sand! That is a whole bunch of sand! More sand than you could ever want!binoculars_sand_re0 = I still can't get over all this sand!binoculars_sand_re1 = And with those handy binoculars I can almost count the grains! HOW FUN!

tan0 = Being up here is the best way to get a tan.tan1 = What? My hood? What are you talking about? This is how Sunburnt tan. What other way is there?tan_re0 = Tanning fully clothed is the only way to tan! Try it sometime!

nostock0 = Hello, eager buyer! Looking to spend some of that precious cash today?nostock1 = Unfortunately, I have no stock because I.. uh.. sold out. Yeah. Totally not because I couldn't afford anything to fill my shelves with.nostock_re0 = I am still just as sold out of everything as the last time you asked, but thanks for checking up.

powerfulitem0 = Hello, valued customer! Would you like an incredibly powerful item to aid you in your trials ahead?powerfulitem1 = Well, too bad! I don't have any stock! Isn't that a bummer? HA HA!powerfulitem_re0 = Would you like a crazy powerful item to.. aid your.. ah, forget it! The joke isn't as funny the second time. I still got nothing in stock, kiddo.

rentcounter0 = Oh, me? I don't have a shop. I've never had one. I just rent this counter to look cool.rentcounter1 = Is it working?rentcounter_re0 = Do I look cool yet? I spent all my money on this empty shop and no one has even shot me a thumbs up yet.

fountain0 = You see this fountain? Yeah. We got water here. Pretty great right?fountain1 = But that's just the kind of place we run here. Only the best for guests like you! Be sure to fill up your water bottle before running out into the desert!fountain_re0 = The water's not even poisonous! Aren't we just the most hospitable resort you've ever been to?

waterdrink0 = Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink!waterdrink1 = Well, actually, it's kind of the opposite of that. Water is almost nowhere, but all of it is drinkable! I was just trying to sound all smart-like.waterdrink2 = Fill up your bottle whenever you want! AND IT'S FREE! WOW!waterdrink_re0 = You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!waterdrink_re1 = Well, actually, I doubt a horse would turn down a drink out here.. I also have never actually seen a horse.. I'm not good at metaphors..

[Events]thief0 = Ouch! Thief!thief1 = Hey![br]That's my money!thief2 = Ow![br]Come back here!

I also seem to have Hat Kid's spaceship theme in MP3 form in the HatinTime folder.

Snatcher Kid

The Modding Support update seems to have removed Snatcher Kid from Vanessa's Manor all together. What should be done with the information that's currently on the page? Clone5184 (talk) 00:58, 24 March 2018 (EDT)

Seal the deal

Should we look in the DLC for new unused things

Cut content text files

Hello, I'm sorry if I'm doing anything wrong, I'm new and not used to this kind of thing. I thought it was interesting to note here that it seems like the September 29th update (re?)added a bunch of text localization files that seem to be related to things such as the Sand n' Sails level that was cut, among other things.

All these files can be found in HatinTimeHatinTimeGameLocalizationINT.

sandislands.int has a bunch of landmark names. I don't know much about the cut level, but I know there's something like villages in it.. It was also replaced by Alpine Skyline, which does indeed have 'Lava Cake', which maybe was based off this supposed 'warm wedding cake'.

checklist.int, I'm not sure if it is actually unused content, as it's been a long while since I played AHIT and I haven't 100%'d the DLC content (and probably won't as I'm not interested). Though it mentions the same 'mafia ties' from the unused mafia dialogue. I don't know about the restaurant (misspelled as 'resturant' in the file)

In the sequences folder, there is new_ability.int, which mentions the hookshot as a upgrade (not yet an equip button), as well as the cut pogo upgrade.

sequences/sunburnt.int was already pasted in its entirety in this talk page and it's a very huge file with what looks like the dialogue of the cut level (including what is probably text from the 'sandworm' character). I'm not sure if this file was removed at some point and re-added now? I don't know if it's new or not (but it's still not on the main article, so it's worth noting). Same goes for sequences/debug.int, which is already in the article and has not changed.

mustachegirl.int, also in the sequences folder. Again I'm not sure if this is unused.

Other files seem to concern the 'murder' mission from the birbs level. I don't know at all if this is used, it may be from an earlier version of this act.


sequences/murder_narrator.int. Clues to the murder? Interrogation? I don't remember that being a thing. Or is it? My memory sucks when it comes to these things.

And that's it. I could have added these straight to the article, but I thought it might be better to discuss it here and see if someone more experienced knows if this is actually cut content or news, as I'm not exactly sure how much of this is unused, and if it's actually worthy of being in the article. Once again I apologize if I did something I shouldn't. StargazerG (talk) 04:29, 30 September 2018 (EDT)

Woah, it seems like the murder mystery episode had a removed L.A. Noire Homage. I gotta say I'm a little dissappointed. I decided to dig in some more:
sequences/thor.int has this:
Now, I'm fairly this is just the final dialogue from the scientist mafia at the start of the lava mafia town mission, but the filename indicates that it was originally slightly different text from Thor, the removed character.
I have no idea what this could be. The text names indicate it was meant for a reveal, but it's the conclusion of the mission, where the player points out who did the murder. Based on the interrogation text and clues texts above, it seems like the mission originally was more detective work and less about exploration.
There's also a file called dev_commentary.int, but it's empty.
sequences/telephone_tipper.int is the file for the telephone dialogue in the murder mystery episode, but it has this line which I think is unused:
Seems to indicate that the murder was staged by DJ Grooves as an act of sabotage.
Also, mustachegirl.int is entirely used. It's the final dialogue from mafia town ch 1, the plan sequence from the spaceship and also the sequences leading up to the final boss. The rest of the files seem to be used.
--989Nintendo898 and his Talk page 05:14, 30 September 2018 (EDT)

Just as a little update, these unused files seem to have been removed in the October 18th update. There were more files that were removed, and may also be indicative of unused content:





The mustachegirl.int I talked about was also removed. I realize now that I made a mistake in my first message; this file was not in the 'sequences' folder, but in the 'enemies' folder. Even worse, there is another file also called mustachegirl.int in the sequences folder, which probably is the one that's still used. I believe 989Nintendo898 was talking about this one.

Among the remaining files, there are some interesting ones from the DLC. One is called were_test.int, which I can't really figure out what is supposed to mean.

This looks just like some of the dialogue in the arctic cruise's first act, and it is, however slightly different. The 'real' dialogues are in another file called internal_ship.int which contains all dialogue in the ship that is not tied to any character. What is particularly interesting here is smash3 and smash4, which are not present in internal_ship.int at all (neither is speaker0). I don't remember seeing anyone panicked while sweeping for glass shards (I wonder to whom this 'they' refers to). I thought maybe it was a death wish adding something new, but it would still be weird that for a single death wish the dialogue would be in a separate file. I don't think there's any other death wish like that. I don't know. Looking at the files, it doesn't even look like there is a death wish with this mission, though.

A Hat In Time Soundtrack

For reference, this is what these same strings look like in internal_ship.int, which I'm fairly sure are the ones used in the game:

This is not the only file that has duplicate (and somewhat different) text. ship_docks.int is a huge file with pretty much all the dialogue from every character in the ship together. The dialogues from each character in the ship that are actually used in the game (or so I think; sorry about my lack of certainty throughout this entire text, I'm just always terribly afraid of being wrong) are also in separate files for each character (for example: the captain's lines are in captain_ship.int, the seals' are in seals_ship.int, the crows' are in crows_ship.int, so on). This is a pretty big file with over 200 lines and since it's ordered differently than each character's file, it takes some effort to compare which ones changed and which ones didn't. (Doesn't make much of a difference, but there's also a lot of lines that are not in this file, but are in each character's files; presumably lines that were added later) This is quite a lot of text already, and most of the changes are really small, but if anyone is actually interested in seeing a comparison of (probably) all strings in ship_docks.int with the finished character dialogue files and what changed, I used a script to compare and the results are here in Pastebin. It's not the most beautifully formatted thing in the world, but I think it's at least legible. Also, in case someone wonders, there are not any lines that were entirely removed from ship_docks without being replaced.

That's it for now. StargazerG (talk) 06:08, 19 October 2018 (EDT)


This game has tons of really interesting prerelease information. We should make a page to document it.

There used to be development videos on Jonas Kærlev's YouTube channel (March 2013, unfortunately none of the videos seem to work) but they seem to have been either privated or deleted entirely. Their Twitter account dates back to 2010 but gets 'archived' every now and then. However, I was able to find something worth mentioning by running their old website through the Wayback Machine. (Link) Before September-October 2012, Hat Kid was actually male. Despite this, her model wasn't changed to its final version until October-November 2012. It also seems to imply that Hat Kid's umbrella has some powers beyond acting as a weapon, particularly time travel. It mentions that the umbrella can identify enemies and that the Hookshot can be used to 'toss enemies around.' Most interesting of all is the 'time branching' mechanic, which would allow Hat Kid to rewind time, creating 'multiple alternative storyline routes', 'like a tree with branches.' The game was originally scheduled for a January 2013 release. Should we make a page for this? It's some pretty interesting stuff. Hat Kid's gender change --Xanadu (talk) 09:32, 31 August 2019 (EDT)
One more development image, a promo image used in 2013. It wasn't changed until 2017, despite the game having had its final logo since 2014 at the latest. You can see Hat Kid and Moustache Kid already have their final models, and Mafia Town doesn't look too different either. --Xanadu (talk) 10:04, 31 August 2019 (EDT)
Sorry if this is too spammy, but more stuff keeps coming up. A reupload of some Subcon Forest footage from 2013 and an interview with Jonas Kærlev regarding the game's development. That should be everything. This certainly seems a bit more page-worthy now. --Xanadu (talk) 10:37, 31 August 2019 (EDT)
Hat Kid and the game's logo, circa September-October 2012.

HatAdult and a few other things

I have No clue where to put it or use images, so might as well put it here.

With the new modding tool, you can find about 15 files relating to HatAdult, there was an entire unused storyline based around this because of many things in the files. There's also a bunch of other leftovers.. Left over. IDK where to put it and stuff, so.. AidenTheHatMiner (talk) 05:21 PM, 3 July 2019 (EDT)

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A Hat in Time

Developer: Gears for Breakfast
Publisher: Gears for Breakfast
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X
Released internationally: October 5, 2017

This game has unused animations.
This game has unused areas.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused models.
This game has unused cinematics.
This game has unused music.
This game has unused text.

This game has a prototype article

The story of a kid and A Hat in Time, on a quest to get back home in time for dinner and cookies.

To do:
Lots of meshes/textures/materials/etc. within the content packages of the game's editor.
A couple of Matinees/Cinematics within some of the games cooked maps.
Some HUD Elements have some functionality that isn't used.
  • 5Unused Music
  • 6Unused Text
  • 7Unused Graphics


Unused Animations
Darling, you moved! The picture is ruined! How could you?!
Unused Models
Buckle up, because this game has a bunch of these!

Unused Cutscene

An unused cutscene that would fit well as a post-credits cutscene. This area is part of the same map that contains Hat Kid's sleeping 'The End' scene, after the credits. Changing the in-game lighting reveals that there is a rogue coat rack hiding just outside of the scene. The room design shows that this scene takes place within Mafia Town.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unseen Area

Hidden away in the credits sequence away from the player's view is a tent with a blackboard inside like those seen in the Alpha and Beta builds of the game, it features the thank you from Mario at the end of Super Mario 64 and a few words of encouragement from W.T.N, that being William T. Nicholls, the Gears For Breakfast's art director and level designer.

Unused Cinematics

Unused cinematics from the Alpha trailer remain in the game. Within Mafia Town, there are four unused cinematics called cine1, cine2, cine3 and cine4. To see them, open the developer console and enter enablecheats. Then write ce , and the cinematic will play.

In Mafia Town HQ has two strange unused cinematics called Bird and rs. The cinematic named Bird transforms you into a rat. You can move and hit Hat Kid only if you are close to her. The other cinematic is in the kitchen. When it's played, the music stops and the camera zooms onto a mafia cook working on some food. The cinematic's description calls it 'Rhythm Segment'. It might have been an introductory cutscene to a rhythm-based minigame of some sort.

Unused Music

Beta File Select

A leftover from the Beta build of the game. It played on the title screen and file select screen.

Guard Caught Jingle

A variation of the jingle that plays upon selecting who the murderer is in the act 'Murder on the Owl Express'. Judging by the filename, it would have played upon being caught in the stealth segment.

Hub World Secret Pillow Hideout Variation Intro

A variation of the tune that plays every time you enter Hat Kid's Spaceship. As there's never an instance where the intro plays from within the pillow fort, this variation is unused.

Sand 'n Sails Level Intro

The level introduction theme that would have played while starting the cut chapter 'Sand 'n Sails'.

Unused Text


An unused script about ties from the beta of the game.


A script for the unused cafe scene in the section above.


A Hat In Time Download

Standard Mafia dialogue.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Diary Entries

Hat Kid's diary can be found in her bedroom by using the Ice Hat on the pile of pillows. Since both the Ice Hat and the first few Time Pieces are required to access this area, these diary entries are rendered inaccessible:

An entry for the prologue and Chapter 1, Act 1.

An entry for Chapter 1, Act 2.

An entry for Chapter 1, Act 3. Note that the words 'Time Piece' are rendered with an icon and colorization.

One more is very difficult to see in-game, because you need to save and exit from Dead Bird Studios after getting the Ice Hat then get three more Time Pieces from Time Rifts:

An entry for Chapter 1, Act 4.

What's A Soundtrack

An entry for Chapter 5, Act 1. The game never shows this entry due to a bug

Unused Mustache Girl Dialog

An unused cutscene in Subcon Forest featuring Mustache Girl and Snatcher.

Unused Graphics

A collectible birb. It can no longer be collected.

Menu icons for collected and uncollected Time Pieces. These originated from the Alpha build.

UI relating to 'Badge Points', a function removed for the final game. Badge Points were only available in the Alpha and Beta builds.

A texture for the now-removed Electro Badge. This badge appeared in pre-release builds of the game.

A badge that went unused for the Ice mechanic. Being eventually replaced with the 'Ice Hat' in the final game. It was formally known as the 'Ice Statue Badge'.

An early badge referred to as the 'Owl's Brew Badge'. It was eventually replaced with the 'Brewing Hat' in the final game.

An unused UI image for Hover Yarn. The hover functionality was modified and delegated to a badge instead of a hat.

A placeholder UI icon for a water flask, using its 3D model. The water flask was not used for the final game, and was likely related to the 'Sand 'n Sails' chapter before that chapter was turned into 'Alpine Skyline'.


A placeholder UI icon for the Dweller's Mask, using its 3D model.

A concept design of the game's title screen.

An additional concept design visualizing object paths. It contains some notes in yellow that are too small to read.

A watermark leftover from the previous speedrun event build.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Prototype/Alpha Build Graphics

To do:
Detail exactly which builds this content is found in. If it's not final, it goes on one of our lovely prototype pages.

Graphics found within the Alpha build of the game. Features leftover assets from the Prototype build.

UI originally used in the act: 'Barrel Battle'. It was modified in the Beta build of the game and removed completely in the final.

Pretty self explanatory. Early UI for the Badge menu.

A collection of leftover icons and logos used in the prototype build.

Early icon and name for the act that eventually became both 'Welcome to Mafia Town' and 'Barrel Battle'.

Early icon and name for the act 'Heating up Mafia Town'.

Early icon and name for an unknown act in the Subcon Forest.

Early icon and name for the act 'Queen Vanessa's Manor'.

This was used to obscure a couple of the icons listed above. This was used as a way to promote their KickStarter page at the time.

Credits from the Alpha Build of the game.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Texture Oddities

These textures for the Dweller's Mask variants all contain notes within the texture that signify the front and back of each mask.

The detective hat texture contains an art reference image.

Habster says hello.

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